Happy Birthday!!

Mark Golub
2 min readOct 3, 2022


Well, it’s my 61st birthday. And just last week it was the 5-month anniversary of my heart transplant.

Note to self: why do people talk of a 6-month anniversary, or for that matter any month other than the twelfth? Please, discuss.

I’ve been pretty silent the last few months. It’s been frustrating and painful to write. My fingers on through to my shoulders are either shaking or in pain. Except for the fingers I don’t have any feeling in. I’m thinking it’s my circulation, which would also explain why my iPhone won’t recognize my fingers. I’m going to have to go through physical therapy. I’m doing acupuncture, assuming my insurance will cover it. But enough about my complaints, let’s talk birthday!

I spent the whole day doing nothing. It was the first time literally in months I had the whole day to kill without guilt. I’ve had an average of at least three medical or medical-adjacent appointments a week. I set my CLE aside. (I needed to pick up 15 hours by Sept. 30.) I didn’t make all the calls I owed doctors, insurance people, etc. I napped. I read. I watched a bunch of NCIS episodes and bad sitcoms from the ’50s to the ’90s. That night, Erin and the girls took me out to dinnerhttps://gofund.me/f9da8eb1It’s been a while since I posted, so it’s obviouisly been a while since I held my hand out. But I haven’t won the lottery or sold my NYT best-seller novel in that time. No, I’ve run almost completely through my savings. I’m paying for over a dozen different medications, doctor visits, monthly visits to Chicago… It’s all too much.



Mark Golub

In 1998 I had a heart attack. I remember the ED doc telling me “You probably won’t die tonight.” I didn’t.